Qual è stato il peggior film della carriera di Sylvester Stallone? Sly non ha assolutamente dubbi:  Escape Plan 2 – Ritorno all’inferno di Steven C. Miller. A dichiararlo è lo stesso attore in un post su Instagram, in cui ha invece lodato il lavoro fatto da John Herzfeld per il terzo capitolo del franchise, Escape Plan 3 – L’ultima sfida.

Ecco cosa ha dichiarato:

«Eccomi qua con il mio amico di vecchia data, il regista John Herzfeld, che ha diretto l’imminente Escape Plan 3 – L’ultima sfida. Escape Plan 2 è stato davvero il film più orrendamente prodotto in cui mi è capitato la sfortuna di recitare, ma questo nuovo film è stato realizzato in un lasso di tempo straordinariamente corto, 17 giorni, dal tramonto all’alba, senza pause, mangiavamo mentre lavoravamo!!!!».

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Here I am with my lifetime friend , and Director , JOHN HERZFELD , Who directed the upcoming film Escape Plan 3 – The Extractors ! Escape Plan 2 WAS TRULY THE MOST HORRIBLY PRODUCED FILM I have ever had the misfortune to be in , but this new film was made in an extraordinarily short amount of time , 17 nights , dusk till dawn , no breaks , we ate while we worked!!!! The Crew were under unbelievable pressure. . Proud of them! But I wanted this battle be as realistic as possible. I showed up on the site for the big final fight scene that takes place in a very very old cell that is 9‘ x 7 … they had spent all this time choreographing this Martial arts type of combat. I said forget it. Why don’t we go in there and just let it rip. Like a real fight!!!! . Nobody does this anymore … NO CUTS! ONE LONG TAKE – No choreography, so you don’t know what’s coming until it hits you. I asked the other actor who has a lot of guts,Devon Sawa , If he was game? I said it’s gonna hurt and he replayed “ bring it “ . So what you see us a portion of the brawl that is completely non – choreographed , spontaneous , again, with no cuts , And no idea , and what punches were coming! The other actor Devon , plays the killer who has accused me of murdering his father which is not true ! Without a doubt the only fight I’ve ever done in my entire career without choreography or without knowing what’s coming !! No one does this anymore – gotta a little adventurous !!! And nuts … This was tough but worth it! And what I believe makes the audience APPRECIATE the effort and authenticity …. Arriving July 2…. AND It is available on pay-per-view ! KEEP PUNCHING ! #Escape plan 3 THE EXTRACTORS #GrindStone #LionsgateFilms

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Successivamente l’attore americano ha poi condiviso un video mostrandoci una scena d’azione di Escape Plan 3

«Senza ombra di dubbio l’unica scena di combattimento che abbia mai fatto senza coreografia e senza sapere cosa sarebbe successo!! Nessuno fa più cose di questo genere, è stata dura ma ne è valsa la pena», ha concluso l’attore.